Thursday, June 10, 2010


God knows I love them.

I read a great article by Rabbi Shmuley about the world's contempt for
children today. It's so sad, but it is true that so many people in our society today are disgusted by the fact that people have or have a desire for large families. Truly what is wrong with the idea of a large family? I have never heard one GOOD reason.
Here is the article if you wish to read: Article on children

(Bottom) Melissa is so full of energy (all the time!). She is quick thinking and fearless. She knows what she wants and likes (at least she thinks she does). She loves her blanky and looks great in those pink cowgirl boots you see in this picture. Don't mistake her for being a toddler of any sort because she will immediately correct you and let you know, "I'm a BIG GIRL!" She is truly one of a kind in the most special way.
(Top) Max is a sweetheart. His masculinity shows through in his love for
throwing and playing with balls and will get just as excited as his dad when a sport comes on the TV. At the same time, he is so lovable, very cuddly (he'll tuck his hands into your chest when you hold him belly to chest). He has a great smile, the most precious curls, is so very intelligent and quick to understand, has a great memory, and loves to begin sentences clearly and end them with complete nonsense. He's handsome too :-).

Nolan is a joy. As soon as he enters he lights up the room and fills it with excitement. He loves to wrestle, throws toys and objects up against the wall or around the room (to show off his strength i suppose??), and when he's really having fun he gets this feisty grin and runs toward ya roaring like a monster. He loves Yo Gabba Gabba and Robots. IF I had favorites he'd be one of them ;-). He's just so fun and he loves to talk which is just adorable.

Mimi or Marie is a doll. Just look at her, she looks like she walked off of a set of a Jane Austen film. Ever since she was a baby she had a tenderness, and loveliness about her. She has a high pitched delicate little voice, but says so much when she speaks. She is so nurturing - she loves taking care of her siblings, especially her baby sister, Jane. She can be mischievous at times, but her mischief usually goes hand in hand with her courage. She is daring, no reservations, yet she is refined in her demeanor. She has the curliest blonde hair, the kind I always wanted as a curly-haired girl myself growing up.
Left (on left) Renee One of my two God-daughters. She has the ability to speak so soft and sweet and then in a matter of seconds speak louder than anyone in the room. She is creative, always coming up with new characters (whether a rock-star or superhero she can play anything!). She is a teacher and a good big sister. She takes good care of her baby brother, Anthony. She has the most beautiful blue eyes, a lovely smile, and is shy at first but once you get a little crazy with her, she will love you forever.
is quite the character and has been since day one. She has always had a voice like a little granny, but is so sweet and cute that there's no mistaking her for an adorable little lady. She has a unique style (like her aunt), but is very particular about what she wears! (like her aunt). When she was younger she had little things she would say that would make your heart melt like "baby soup" instead of bathing suit and whenever you'd ask her a question she'd respond with "mm, maybe later (but replace the l with a w)". Somehow she still manages to have the attitude of a youngest sibling (though she is 3 of 5). She is loving, very laid back, and thrives off of one on one time.
(Right) Dominic is darling. He is my God-son. He has a lovable demeanor, so cuddly and sweet. He is playful and has an endearing smile. He's not a trouble-maker nor do I think that is something he will ever be known for (time will tell ;-)) and he has an adventur
ous spirit - at the zoo he wanted to climb to the giant slide with all the other big kids and was so determined to do so. I'm excited to see how this little man grows and how his character develops.
Isabel is my girly girl. She's my niece-bestie. We do a lot together and have so much fun. She likes pretty
things, but she is wise and has her Mother's emotional intelligence. She is a magnificent older sister, and helps with everything around the house and with the kids. She has such a good-natured heart and is good at judging right from wrong. She has a genuine laugh and a gentle spirit. I love spending time with her.

Children are a blessing. They are a gift. They are who help me to desire innocence and to be a child in the arms of my Father in Heaven. T
hey help me to let go, abandon myself to Him, and live in true freedom. They remind me of what living really is all about. It's about being like children - so trusting, so pure, so full of joy and love. Our society would be cold-hearted and dull without them. They are not just our future, they are our present. They help us to be present to the life we have been called to live. To live in the moment that God has given us. I love my twenty-six nieces and nephews. It saddens me how often I can take them for granted, but I pray, especially in these times I get to be with them so intimately that I soak in and learn from everything it is they have to teach me about Life, about Love, about God.

Thank the Lord for children.

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